Blog · Facebook Marketing

Target Audience that Lead to Higher Conversion

Targeted audience is the number of people your targeting can reach. This can be very crucial to get the desired result for an ad.

To navigate in order to edit the target audience.

On your Ads manager Click Power editor.

power editor

Then click on the create campaign.create campaign

Fill in the necessary information then click create.

create campaign2

Then Click ad set to edit the audience.

edit audience

There you go edit audience.

According to Jon Loomer on his post “Tips for tagging articles in audience optimization” to target the perfect audience:

  • Ask yourself: What types of people are most likely to engage with your story, and what are their interests?
  • Tag with a mix of broad and narrow terms
  • If you’re feeling stuck about what to tag, think about the classic “who, what, where, when, why and how” elements of the story as a starting place.

Hence, here are my sample ad with a difference in target audience and see how they perform within 24 hours.

Here is the first Ad with a broader target audience and less definition of audience interests. Hence, the conversion is very low and the cost is very expensive.


The next ad has different and more specific and defined target audience, hence the result is higher conversion and lower ad cost.


Another example is this next ad with a less defined and broad audience. It shows to have highest cost of conversion and it does run for 4 days.


This next ad had a more defined audience very specific and it runs only for 24 hours. The result is lower cost and higher conversion.


Hence, knowing your target audience for a certain ad is very crucial to get leads and lower the cost of conversions.

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